
These new policies went into effect August 2011.

NO SMOKING AT HSCA PARKS The park areas of HSCA will be designated smoke-free zones. There will be no smoking in any of the HSCA parks or within 20 feet of the entrance to parks.

Currently, per the employee handbook, HSCA staff members are not allowed to smoke on HSCA premises or in HSCA vehicles.

Albizia Trees – Proper Removal

Below is a link to a 2-page brochure by the Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry “Albizia – The Tree that Ate Puna” that provides information on this noxious weed tree and removal strategies. The worst thing you can do is chainsaw an Albizia tree and walk away. You will have an Albizia forest on your lot within a few short years! If you cut an Albizia, you must poison the trunk. A better approach to kill Albizia without poison is to use a machete or cane knife to strip the bark of the tree from as high as you can reach to the ground. You must remove the bark in this manner all the way around the trunk. This is not that difficult to do! The tree will die standing up which may take months. Once dead, you can safely remove the tree without it sprouting a forest! Feel free to consult with the HSCA office regarding the removal of Albizia, especially if the trees are in the HSCA water easement. Albizia tree roots break our water lines and are a threat to our communal water system. Please practice proper stewardship of your property and remove all Albizia.

Albizia Tree Removal

HSCA Speed Hump policy

Safety Tips

Roberts Rules about BOD Meetings