Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

The process for reporting abandoned vehicles is outlined in the document below. When you contact the non-emergency line, the dispatcher will ask for a few details including the location of the vehicle, the make, model and color of the vehicle; the license plate number and the duration it has been at that particular location. An officer then should come out and tag the vehicle. If it isn’t removed in 24 hours, it is marked abandoned and that begins the process of having it towed.   

If it is on private property (not the HSCA easement or road), Hawaii Police Department is unable to remove the vehicle. Instead, the owner of that property is responsible for having the vehicle towed and disposed of.

To report abandoned vehicles please call: 808-935-3311

Visit the link below for more information.

Property owners may have up to 2 vehicles removed from private property for free. Click here to apply.


Albizia trees are an invasive species and therefore HSCA is proactive in seeking owner compliance with its Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CCRs). HSCA receives many complaints regarding Albizia and other tree issues. HSCA does its due diligence to notify property owners of overgrown trees threatening neighbors, property and waterlines. Should those owners not address the issues identified, this inactivity could place liability on property owners if harm is done. Albizia trees can be poisoned with Milestone if they are not threatening any homes, power, or water lines. HSCA sells Milestone in 1oz bottles and can be purchased for $5/bottle. See the link below for guidance on application of Milestone.

Senate Bill 464, which came into effect on July 1, 2019 allows owners to enter neighboring properties and remove hazardous trees if certain criteria is met. See the link below for more detail.

If Albizia trees are threatening and/or hazardous to homes, powerlines or HSCA water lines, our office will begin by taking pictures of the trees then writing a series of letters to the owners of the property with the invasive trees. If they fail to respond to first and second notices, the matter is forwarded to the Enforcement Review Committee (ERC), who will determine if a fine hearing should be held and a fine levied for non-compliance of the CC&Rs. You can read about the fining process here: (

If you are planning to build a new home or add on to your existing home, be aware that HSCA has certain rules that are more restrictive than Hawaii County rules and codes. Before applying for a building permit with the county, you must first get Step One approval from the HSCA Design Review Committee (DRC). Once you have received DRC approval and have acquired a building permit, you must submit your plans for Step Two approval prior to beginning any building. Please reference the Design Review Committee page ( for more information on the process and to view the approval application. Be sure to also review the current Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCRs) for restrictions that may apply to building. (


As you may know, Little Fire Ants are a painful nuisance and often make working or relaxing outside difficult if you have Little Fire Ants. HSCA treats the parks and facilities on a regular basis to keep the pests at bay. However, please report to us if you notice them at any of our parks and/or facilities. Below are links to helpful information regarding treatment of your own private properties.

If you are having problems with loose dogs or barking dogs in the neighborhood, please refer to the following pamphlets.

HSCA policy follows that of HPD. We can notify a member that their animal is causing a nuisance but HSCA needs to verify the complaint.  If you feel the problem needs immediate resolution, the best action is to call HPD.

Hawai’i County has a new animal control program under the Mayor’s office. The link below will provide more details.

If you notice dead Ohia trees on your property, they may have died because of Rapid Ohia Death (ROD), caused by a fungus called Ceratocystis. Dead Ohia are more likely to fall and can cause damage to homes, fences and powerlines. However, it is currently recommended that the wood from the trees remain on the lot if possible and/or they can be used for firewood nearby.  The wood should not be transported out of the area and all equipment used to cut down the trees needs to be thoroughly cleaned before and after accessing the lot.  You can read more about ROD by visiting the website below.

The HSCA CC&Rs limit noise above 60dB from being used on a regular basis and restricted between the hours of 8am – 5pm. Construction noise is exempt but must be limited to the hours of 8am – 5pm Monday through Friday.

As a reminder, noise disturbances can and should also be reported to Hawaii Police Department, especially for noise disturbances that occur between 10pm – 7am. The pamphlet below discusses the various types of noise complaints and


Water leaks can be costly for homeowners, as well as HSCA so we try our best to help you determine if you have a leak and isolate whether it is in the home or service line. Any leaks beyond the HSCA water meter are the responsibility of the homeowner. If you hear running water, notice irregular puddles/soft spots in your yard, or see a broken pipe, call the HSCA office to report the leak.

If you call after hours the message will direct you to call one of the water supervisors.

Click on the link below to access a list of pig hunters servicing the Puna area.

Pig Hunters